Credits: SOMAA | KIT MAKER COMPATIBLE WITH ALL PATCHES Installation:(1) Extract the file(2) Copy CPK File to eFootball PES 2021\download(3)
Credits: SOMAA | KIT MAKER COMPATIBLE WITH ALL PATCHES Installation:(1) Extract the file(2) Copy CPK File to eFootball PES 2021\download(3)
Credits: SOMAA | KIT MAKER | PES MASTER COMPATIBLE WITH ALL PATCHES Installation:(1) Extract the file(2) Copy “All files” in
Credits: Jonathan Facemaker COMPATIBLE WITH ALL PATCHES Installation:Copy “Asset” Folder in your eFootball PES 2021\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Faces(IF YOU’RE USING EVOWEB PATCH)
Credits: HS_Facemaker COMPATIBLE WITH ALL PATCHES Installation:Copy “7511” Folder in your eFootball PES 2021\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Faces\Asset\model\character\face\real(IF YOU’RE USING EVOWEB PATCH)
Credits: Hoppus117 Boots Maker | Eddyedwards1075 Boots Maker | gabriele-150115 Boots Assignment | MR ZERO Bootmaker | Tisera09 Boots&Gloves |
Credits: Lord Indratco | Mahdeaw Spartan, Eder Melo, Coyote, Waserin COMPATIBLE WITH ALL PATCHES Installation:(1) Extract the file(2) Copy “Arsenal”
Credits: SOMAA | KIT MAKER COMPATIBLE WITH ALL PATCHES Installation:(1) Extract the file(2) Copy “Real Madrid” Folder in your \eFootball
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