Credits for this update: JP Patumin COMPATIBLE WITH ALL PATCHES Installation:1. Extract the file2. Copy “JP Animation” Folder to eFootball
Credits for this update: JP Patumin COMPATIBLE WITH ALL PATCHES Installation:1. Extract the file2. Copy “JP Animation” Folder to eFootball
Credits for this update: Fallons, Graduco 1d, binhthanh99, the_pelado, pamalulu, junkman, Prayudi Stargames COMPATIBLE WITH ALL PATCHES Installation:1. Extract the
Credits for this update: All Makers – Prayudi Stargames COMPATIBLE WITH ALL PATCHES Installation:(1) Extract the file(2) Copy “body_style_mod” Folder
Credits for this update: Luke Bergs COMPATIBLE WITH ALL PATCHES Installation:(1) Extract the file(2) Copy “modules” Folder into eFootball PES
Credits for this update: Pes Smoke Patch Team Installation: 1- Extract all the installer files then run (SPFL25_setup) as administrator. 2-
Credits for this update: KING-PES COMPATIBLE WITH ALL PATCHES Installation:(1) Extract the file(2) Copy CPK File to eFootball PES 2021\download(3)
Credits for this update: Hawke (Base)JDProuz (Serie A Ball Pes 2017)Junkman (LaLiga Ball)Siswanto Y. Mustofa (EPL Ball)STR STUDIO GAMING (Retextured
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